Photovoltaic Solar Energy
From Fundamentals to Applications
Contemporary overview of photovoltaic (PV) technology innovations from materials to modules and grid integration
Solar PV is now the third most important renewable energy source, after hydro and wind power, in terms of global installed capacity. Bringing together the expertise of international PV specialists Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of existing PV technologies in conjunction with an assessment of technological developments.
Key Features:
- Written by leading Specialists active in current developments in material sciences, solar cell research and application-driven R&D.
- Provides a basic knowledge base in light, photons and solar irradiance and basic functional principles of PV.
- Covers characterization techniques, economics and applications of PV such as silicon, thin-film and hybrid solar cells.
- Presents a Compendium PV technologies including: crystalline silicon technologies; chalcogenide thin film solar cells; thin-film silicon-based PV technologies; organic PV and III-Vs; PV concentrator technologies; space technologies and economics, life-cycle and user aspects of PV technologies.
- Each chapter presents basic principles and formulas as well as major technological developments in a contemporary context with a look at future developments in this rapidly changing field of science and engineering.
Ideal for Industrial engineers and scientists beginning a career in PV as well as graduate students undertaking PV research, and high-level undergraduate students.
Daftar Isi
List of Contributors xxvii
Foreword xxxii
Acknowledgments xxxiv
About the Companion Website xxxv
Part One Introduction to Photovoltaics 1
1.1 Introduction 3
Angèle Reinders, Wilfried van Sark, and Pierre Verlinden
Part Two Basic Functional Principles of Photovoltaics 13
2.1 Semiconductor Materials and their Properties 15
Angèle Reinders
2.2 Doping, Diffusion, and Defects in Solar Cells 21
Pierre J. Verlinden
2.3 Absorption and Generation 32
Seth Hubbard
2.4 Recombination 39
Seth Hubbard
2.5 Carrier Transport 47
Seth Hubbard
2.6 PN Junctions and the Diode Equation 54
Seth Hubbard
Part Three Crystalline Silicon Technologies 67
3.1 Silicon Materials: Electrical and Optical Properties 69
Andreas Fell
3.2 Silicon Solar Cell Device Structures 80
Andrew Blakers and Ngwe Zin
3.3 Interdigitated Back Contact Solar Cells 92
Pierre Verlinden
3.4 Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells 104
Wilfried van Sark
3.5 Surface Passivation and Emitter Recombination Parameters 114
Bram Hoex
3.6 Passivated Contacts 125
Martin Hermle
3.7 Light Management in Silicon Solar Cells 136
Zachary Holman and Mathieu Boccard
3.8 Numerical Simulation of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells 150
Pietro Altermatt
3.9 Advanced Concepts 160
Martin Green
Part Four Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells 167
4.1 Basics of Chalcogenide Thin Film Solar Cells 169
Susanne Siebentritt
4.2 Cu(In, Ga)Se2 and Cd Te Absorber Materials and their Properties 179
Sylvain Marsillac
4.3 Contacts, Buffers, Substrates, and Interfaces 190
Negar Naghavi
4.4 CIGS Module Design and Manufacturing 204
William Shafarman
Part Five Thin Film Silicon‐Based PV Technologies 213
5.1 Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells 215
Etienne Moulin, Jan‐Willem Schüttauf, and Christophe Ballif
5.2 Thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells on Glass 226
Onno Gabriel, Daniel Amkreutz, Jan Haschke, Bernd Rech, and Rutger Schlatmann
5.3 Light Management in Crystalline and Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells 238
Franz Haug
5.4 New Future Concepts 248
Jan‐Willem Schüttauf, Etienne Moulin, and Christophe Ballif
Part Six Organic Photovoltaics 255
6.1 Solid‐State Organic Photovoltaics 257
Bernard Kippelen
6.2 Hybrid and Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells 267
Woojun Yoon
6.3 Perovskite Solar Cells 277
Samuel D. Stranks and Henry J. Snaith
6.4 Organic PV Module Design and Manufacturing 292
Veronique S. Gevaerts
Part Seven Characterization and Measurements Methods 303
7.1 Methods and Instruments for the Characterization of Solar Cells 305
Halden Field
7.2 Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence Characterization in Silicon Photovoltaics 322
Thorsten Trupke
7.3 Measurement of Carrier Lifetime, Surface Recombination Velocity, and Emitter Recombination Parameters 339
Henner Kampwerth
7.4 In‐situ Measurements, Process Control, and Defect Monitoring 350
Angus Rockett
7.5 PV Module Performance Testing and Standards 362
Geoffrey S. Kinsey
Part Eight III‐Vs and PV Concentrator Technologies 371
8.1 III‐V Solar Cells – Materials, Multi‐Junction Cells – Cell Design and Performance 373
Frank Dimroth
8.2 New and Future III‐V Cells and Concepts 383
Simon Fafard
8.3 High Concentration PV Systems 396
Karin Hinzer, Christopher E. Valdivia, and John P.D. Cook
8.4 Operation of CPV Power Plants: Energy Prediction 411
Geoffrey S. Kinsey
8.5 The Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC) 420
Michael Debije
Part Nine Space Technologies 431
9.1 Materials, Cell Structures, and Radiation Effects 433
Rob Walters
9.2 Space PV Systems and Flight Demonstrations 444
Phillip Jenkins
9.3 A Vision on Future Developments in Space Photovoltaics 455
David Wilt
9.3.1 Current Status and Near‐Term Challenges/Opportunities 455
Part Ten PV Modules and Manufacturing 463
10.1 Manufacturing of Various PV Technologies 465
Alison Lennon and Rhett Evans
10.2 Encapsulant Materials for PV Modules 478
Michael Kempe
10.3 Reliability and Durability of PV Modules 491
Sarah Kurtz
10.4 Advanced Module Concepts 502
Pierre Verlinden
Part Eleven PV Systems and Applications 511
11.1 Grid-Connected PV Systems 513
Greg J. Ball
11.2 Inverters, Power Optimizers, and Microinverters 530
Chris Deline
11.3 Stand-Alone and Hybrid PV Systems 539
Matthias Vetter and Georg Bopp
11.4 PV System Monitoring and Characterization 553
Wilfried van Sark, Atse Louwen, Odysseas Tsafarakis, and Panos Moraitis
11.5 Energy Prediction and System Modeling 564
Joshua S. Stein
11.6 Building Integrated Photovoltaics 579
Michiel Ritzen, Zeger Vroon, and Chris Geurts
11.7 Product Integrated Photovoltaics 590
Angèle Reinders and Georgia Apostolou
Part Twelve PV Deployment in Distribution Grids 601
12.1 PV Systems in Smart Energy Homes: Power Matching City 603
Albert van den Noort
12.2 New Future Solutions: Best Practices from European PV Smart Grid Projects 612
Gianluca Fulli and Flavia Gangale
Part Thirteen Supporting Methods and Tools 621
13.1 The Economics of PV Systems 623
Matthew Campbell
13.2 People’s Involvement in Residential PV and their Experiences 634
Barbara van Mierlo
13.3 Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaics 646
Vasilis Fthenakis
13.4 List of International Standards Related to PV 658
Pierre Verlinden and Wilfried van Sark
Index 672
Tentang Penulis
ANGÈLE REINDERS, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
PIERRE VERLINDEN, Trina Solar, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
WILFRIED VAN SARK, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
ALEXANDRE FREUNDLICH, University of Houston, Texas, USA