Anja Dreschke (Author)
Anja Dreschke, an anthropologist and filmmaker from Cologne, received a degree in cultural anthropology, history of arts and theatre, and film and television studies from the University of Cologne. From 2007 to 2012 she worked as a researcher on the project ‘‘Trance Mediums and New Media’’ at the University of Siegen. Currently she is Research Fellow at the graduate school Locating Media at the University of Siegen and Lecturer for Visual and Media Anthropology at the University of Cologne. Recently she released the documentary film Tribes of Cologne, which is concurrently part of her Ph D. dissertation intended as a three-fold project combining text, video, and photography.
Martin Zillinger (Author)
Martin Zillinger is Assistant Professor at the Research Lab ‘‘Transformations of Life’’ at the University of Cologne. A former graduate student of the University of Constance, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Tubingen and was a postdoctoral research fellow in the research project ‘‘Trance Mediums and New Media 1900/2000’’ and a Lecturer at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Siegen. He conducted extensive fieldwork in North Africa, especially in Morocco, and in Europe, particularly in Belgium. His research interests include media anthropology, anthropology of religion, and migration, with a special focus on the Mediterranean. He has published several articles and edited volumes. His dissertation, ‘‘Die Trance, das Blut, die Kamera. Trance-Medien und Neue Medien im marokkanischen Sufismus, ’’ received the Frobenius Research Award of the Frobenius Society.
5 Ebooks oleh Anja Dreschke
Anja Dreschke & Martin Zillinger: Trance Mediums and New Media
Ongoing debates about the “return of religion” have paid little attention to the orgiastic and enthusiastic qualities of religiosity, despite a significant increase in the use of techniques of trance …
Anja Dreschke & Ilham Huynh: Reenactments
Reenactments als Medienpraktiken des Wiederaufführens, Nacherlebens und Reaktualisierens sind nie »bloße« Wiederholungen dokumentierter oder fiktionaler Ereignisse, sondern stets kreativ-produktive M …
Alf Lüdtke & Tobias Nanz: Laute, Bilder, Texte
Laute, Bilder und Texte bezeichnen unterschiedliche Materialien und mediale Formate, die in Archiven gelagert und von Interessierten genutzt und ausgewertet werden. Die Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger d …
Anja Dreschke & Martin Zillinger: Trance Mediums and New Media
Ongoing debates about the "return of religion" have paid little attention to the orgiastic and enthusiastic qualities of religiosity, despite a significant increase in the use of techniques …
Anja Dreschke: Kölner Stämme
Als Kölner Stamme bezeichnen sich rund 80 Vereine aus Köln und Umgebung, die in ihrer Freizeit historische Lebenswelten ihnen ›fremder‹ Kulturen nachahmend darstellen. Sie verkleiden sich als Dsching …