This edition of the Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics brings together, in one convenient volume, the results of many of the studies supported by the Hartford Foundation. The first two chapters of this volume set the stage for the specific research reports that follow. In the first chapter, Burke, Jolson, Goetsch, and Ahronheim review current information on medication use and the adverse drug events in the elderly from two natioanl data bases: The National Disease and Therapeutic Index and the Food and Drug Administration’s Spontaneous Reporting System. The second chapters present the recent work of Beers in development of explicit criteria defining inappropriate medication use in the elderly.
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Introduction: Geriatric Medication Use: Translating Knowledge into Practice
Forthcoming Contents, Volume 13
Geriatric Drug Use and Adverse Drug Event Reporting in 1990: A Descriptive Analysis of Two National Data Bases, Laurie B. Burke, Heidi M. Jolson, Roger A. Goetsch, and Judith C. Ahronheim Defining Inappropriate Medication Use in the Elderly, Mark H. Beers Psychiatric Symptoms in Elderly Patients Due to Medications, Christopher M. Callahan Effects of Drug Audit Information to Providers of High-Risk Elderly Patients in a Prepaid Group Practice, Thomas Choi, Norrie A. Thomas, Marie Nyugen, Victor Sandler, Wanda Kassel, Stanley A. Edlavitch, and Robert L. Kane Undermedication Among Geriatric Outpatients: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial, Helene Levens Lipton, Lisa A. Bero, Joyce Adair Bird, and Stephen J. Mc Phee The Effect of a Patient Questionnaire on Drug-Related Symptoms in Elderly Outpatients, J. Wasson, D. Nierenberg, J. Landgraf, F. Whaley, D. Malenka, D. Johnson, A. Keller, and the Dartmouth Primary Care COOP Community Pharmacistsí Influence on Drug Therapy Decisions for Elderly Patients, Carole L. Kimberlin, Donna H. Berardo, Jane F. Pendergast, and Lynda C. Mc Kenzie Pharmacist Interventions in Residential Care Facilities, Bradley R. Williams, Michael B. Nichol, Beverly F. Lowe, Jeffrey S. MCCombs, Peter S. Yoon, and Loren G. Lipson Documenting, Understanding, and Fixing Psychoactive Drug Use in the Nursing Home, Jerry Avorn and Mark Monane Improving Nursing Home Quality of Care Through Provider Education: Reducing Antipsychotic Drug Use, Wayne A. Ray, Keith F. Meador, Jo A. Taylor, and Purushottam, B. Thapa Index