Poems of a Spiritual Awakening offers an intimate look at one poets own spiritual awakening over a period of twenty-seven years, going into and out of recovery. Most critical to this awakening is the all-inclusive universal power of a loving God as He revealed Himself to the author through this inspiring poetry.
After many years knowing that change was needed but having no success finding what others had discovered to enable their recoveries, the author began writing poetry to express those innermost feelings. Through these verses, God became an overwhelming presence, awakening the authors innermost emotions and the need to finally begin recovery from addiction.
From the pain of acknowledging a troubled past in Boogie Man to the poignancy of Self Love, the author gradually found a way to express deeply buried emotions and fears. This poetry collection was written in less than fifty days, with God providing the path to release and recovery.
The Voice
I had a voice, I made much noise, I knew just what to do,
I yelled in here, I talked out there,
the voice within my mind, it drove me very blind.
I thought out there, I thought out here, could hardly get some air,
and then your voice, that still small sound, just threw me to the ground.
It quieted my spirit true and showed me what to do.
Tentang Penulis
The author has chosen to remain anonymous because it is the message and not the messenger that is most important. It is the author’s wish that all who read this book may allow God to help them identify with the author’s personal experience and to be set free into His Loving Grace.