Penulis: Antony Christy Lourdunathan


2 Ebooks oleh Antony Christy Lourdunathan

Antony Christy Lourdunathan: Catechetical Perspectives of the Holy Rosary
Academic Paper from the year 2012 in the subject Theology – Miscellaneous, , course: Licence in Catechetics and Youth Ministry, language: English, abstract: This is a simple work on catechetical pers …
Antony Christy Lourdunathan: The Growing Years of the Catholic India and the Special Contribution of NBCLC and Fr. Amalorpavadas to the Catholic Biblical Movement
Essay from the year 2013 in the subject Theology – Biblical Theology, , course: Biblical Catechesis, language: English, abstract: Christianity is not merely a set of religious principles; it is a cov …