Penulis: Arsalan Iftikhar

Rosemary Pennington has been involved with Indiana University”s Voices and Visions project since 2008, serving as project coordinator, podcast producer, and managing editor. She is Assistant Professor of Journalism at Miami University. Hilary E. Kahn is Director of the Voices and Visions Project, Assistant Dean for International Education and Global Initiatives, and Director of the Center for the Study of Global Change in the School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University. She is author of Seeing and Being Seen: The Q”eqchi” Maya of Guatemala and Beyond, and editor of Framing the Global: Entry Points for Research.

2 Ebooks oleh Arsalan Iftikhar

Arsalan Iftikhar: Scapegoats
When a murderous psychopath goes on a killing spree, law enforcement officials and the media never make his religion the central issueunless he happens to be a Muslim. Then it sets off another frenzi …
Arsalan Iftikhar: Fear of a Muslim Planet
Human rights lawyer Arsalan Iftikhar takes on Islamophobia through the lens of the brutal Christchurch slaughter. In March 2019, a heavily-armed white supremacist walked into two mosques in Christchu …