Glimpses of the Scriptures of Religions of Indian Origin primarily includes excerpts
from the Vedas and the Upanishads (Hinduism); the Dhammapad (Buddhism); the Agam
(Jainism); and the Guru Granth Saheb (Sikhism) these (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,
and Sikhism) being four religions that originated in India. A number of essays on the
historical backgrounds, the leading fi gures and events, and their interrelations are also
included for a deeper appreciation of the pertinent philosophies.
The main purpose of writing this book is to illustrate the commonality of these religions
due to their common root Hinduism — that came into being in India some 10-15 millennia
ago, and was modifi ed from time to time. These religions have coexisted peacefully and
harmoniously for centuries and millennia, and have contributed much in the international
religious scene. In particular, Buddhism has been adopted in a signifi cant portion of Asia
(China, Japan, South-East Asia), and has been also attracting the intellectuals in the West
in recent years.
Tentang Penulis
Ashok Sinha holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics, and is also interested in literature and spirituality. He has written 20 books in English and in Hindi, including in physics, satellite and Mobile Telecommunications theory, poetry, fiction, plays, religion, and translations of certain classics. He worked at NASA and INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, Washington, D.C., USA), contributing in Elementary Particle Physics Theory (including mathematical modeling of the so-called ‘GOD’s Particles’), Cosmology, Space Physics research, and satellite telecommunications technology. Currently he lives in Santa Clara, California (USA) with his wife. [ [email protected] ]