It is inescapablethe issues of life affect everyone. Ways we choose to accept those issues and deal with them vastly differ. When these issues arise, we can go through the stages of depression, self-doubt, and even the doubt of our God. In the midst of it all, we must remember that God will never put more on us than we can bear. He has already placed within us what we need to survive these issues.
Tentang Penulis
About the author:
The book began as I was going through a personal tribulation. I believe that being honest and willing to relate that which the Bible has to say about things makes that which I write something others would need and want to read.
I live in South Carolina with my wife and my two daughters. I serve as a deacon, which I was ordained at the age of twenty-one, in my church. I am employed as a teacher of Special Education. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree , a Master of Arts in Teaching in Special Education and an Educational Specialist degree.