Prof. Jiadong Zang received a Ph.D. in Physics from Fudan University in 2012. He then carried out postdoctoral research at the Johns Hopkins University. He joined the University of New Hampshire faculty in 2015. His research interest is in theoretical studies of magnetism and spin transport in general, and topological spin textures in particular.
Dr. Vincent Cros is a CNRS senior researcher in the CNRS/Thales research lab (Palaiseau, France) that is one of the pioneering groups in the field of spintronics. Since 2000, he is leading there the research activities on spin transfer effects and its related potential applications to radiofrequency spintronic devices. His current research interests include: spin transfer induced dynamics of magnetic solitons, nonlinear phenomena induced by spin torque, spin-orbitronics and more recently the physics of magnetic skyrmions in nanostructures.
Dr. Axel Hoffmann is currently the Senior Group Leader of the Magnetic Films Group withinthe Materials Science Division at the Argonne National Laboratory. His research interests encompass a wide variety of magnetism related subjects, including basic properties of magnetic heterostructures, spin-transport in novel geometries, and biomedical applications of magnetism. His main research focus has recently been on pure spin currents investigated by magnetotransport and magnetization dynamic measurements.
4 Ebooks oleh Axel Hoffmann
Jiadong Zang & Vincent Cros: Topology in Magnetism
This book presents both experimental and theoretical aspects of topology in magnetism. It first discusses how the topology in real space is relevant for a variety of magnetic spin structures, includi …
Recent Advances in Magnetic Insulators – From Spintronics to Microwave Applications
This volume of Solid State Physics provides a broad review on recent advances in the field of magnetic insulators, ranging from new spin effects to thin film growth and high-frequency applications. I …
Michael Kneissl & Andreas Knorr: Semiconductor Nanophotonics
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in the development of semiconductor nanostructures and nanophotonic devices. It covers epitaxial growth processes for Ga As- and Ga …