Penulis: Azazel Rama

Azazel Rama is a practicing chaos magician from the San Francisco Bay Area, currently living a Mile High and out of his mind. A self proclaimed Multipantheist (the belief that god is the Multiverse), he tapped into the collective unconscious in the early “90s and has studied magic and synchronicity ever since. As the creator of The Church Of The Free Mind, he has dedicated himself to the emancipation of human spirit from the trappings of defined thought. He believes in a natural sense of morality, often stating that “Unified Freedom is the basis for the development of all natural laws.” This author is a blasphemous heretic and has no remorse or social concern for the upstanding and morally conscious human being. This eccentric scoundrel claims to have sex with spirits while traveling through the magical astral planes. If you see this lunatic on the streets, please contact the authorities immediately!

1 Ebooks oleh Azazel Rama

Azazel Rama: The Church of the Free Mind
Azazel Rama is a poet and artist from the San Francisco Bay Area who has been tapped into the spirit realm for the past 20 years. After dropping out of the Bay Area underground, he has finally decide …