‘International Relations’ provides insightful and comprehensive coverage of world politics from a historical, strategic, economic and social dimensions perspective, aiming to expand your understanding of how the complex world political system operates.
This textbook begins by exploring the definition and scope of International relations. It then evaluates the concept and implications of the Nation-State system, delving into its historical background alongside its key characteristics, functions and roles.
Audiences will gain an in-depth understanding of the array of theories and approaches scaler to International Relations including Realism, Idealism, Post-modernism, Critical Theory, Feminism, and Constructivism. These innovative discussions help to unravel the various perspectives about how states communicate and collaborate with each other in the global political stage.
‘International Relations’ then proceeds to explore the comprehensive landscape of international security. Readers will establish deeper knowledge about different exercises of power such as warfare styles, balance of power, foreign policies, and their respective determinants. This book further explores Economic Liberalism, Mercantilism, Imperialism, and Neo-Marxism subject matters granting readers insights about the economic theories that shape and influence international political economy.
This meticulously researched book also critically appraises subjects about international political community like globalization, internationalism, and nationalism with implicit focus on strategies that promote peace, such as diplomacy and international law. It extensively recognises the pivotal role and functions international organizations like World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and United Nations, amongst others play in promoting a balanced economic landscape for the globe.
Straight from the annals of history comes findings about events like World Wars, Russian Revolution, rise of imperialisms like fascism and, their prominent roles at shaping outcomes to post-colonial issues like the decolonization crunch across Africa and Asia and outcomes in Concurrent politics of powerful empires like Soviet Union and United States.
Tentang Penulis
I am bestselling author. Data scientist. I have proven technical skills (MBA, ACCA (Knowledge Level), BBA, several Google certifications) to deliver insightful books with ten years of business experience. I have written and published 400 books as per Goodreads record.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8629-830X
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