Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) has been widely adopted as a routine analytical technique for elemental analysis in both industry and academia. However, spectral interference can be a major problem, particularly with such line-rich elements as the rare earth elements. An Atlas of High Resolution Spectra of Rare Earth Elements, which comes complete with a CD of spectra in full colour, is a reference source suitable for all analytical spectroscopists. Using some previously unpublished high resolution spectra, this atlas enables users of ICP-AES to select the best lines of any single rare earth element matrix. Clear instructions for the use of the accompanying CD are provided, which allows all adjacent interferent spectral profiles to be displayed and superimposed. Up-to-date and informative, this unique book will be welcomed as a practical and indispensable reference guide by all those who use ICP-AES for the analysis of rare earth elements.
Daftar Isi
I Introduction: Overview; Interpretation; Apparatus and Procedures; II Reference; III Coincidence Tables: Selected prominent lines of REEs and their detection limits and BECs; Tables of interfering lines; Tables of coincidence parameters; Tables of recommended analysis lines with matrices of REEs; IV Spectral Coincidence Profiles; Appendix.