Is the founder of the oose Innovative Informatik Limited which started in 1998. After 12 years working as CEO he started to initiated the reorganization in 2012 in his role as majority shareholder into a collegial-self-organized company. In 2014 he sold his company to the staff.
Bernd also works as an author of national and international published and award-winning technical books. Besides this, he is working as consultant, coach and expert for collegial self-organized organisations within the network team of the company next U limited.
6 Ebooks oleh Bernd Oestereich
Bernd Oestereich & Claudia Schröder: Das kollegial geführte Unternehmen
„Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft befinden sich in einer großen Transformation. An die Stelle der ´Hierarchie-Denke´ treten Netzstrukturen und die Prinzipien kollegial-selbstorganisierter Führung. Die Aut …
Bernd Oestereich & Tim Weilkiens: UML 2 Certification Guide
The popular Unified Modeling Language (UML) is both a language and notation developed by the Object Management Group (OMG) used to design and create specifications for software systems. With the rece …
Bernd Oestereich & Claudia Schröder: Agile Organisationsentwicklung
Dieses Buch richtet sich an Menschen, die eine kollegial-selbstorganisierte Führung und eine agile Organisationsentwicklung ganz praktisch erproben möchten – entweder in der eigenen Organisation oder …
Claudia Schröder & Bernd Oestereich: The Collegial Leadership Model
The collegial model of organisational development is an evolutionary approach which – in contrast to other processes of change – may nevertheless have revolutionary effects. The model comprises numer …
Bernd Oestereich & Claudia Schröder: Essenzen agiler Organisationsentwicklung
Dieses Buch ist eine Essenz und Aktualisierung von „Agile Organisationsentwicklung“. Es richtet sich an Menschen, die in Organisationen eine kollegialere und agilere Führung erproben möchten – als Or …
Bernd Oestereich & Claudia Schröder: Agile Organisational Development
This book is intended for readers who want to try out collegial leadership and agile self-organisation in a very practical way – either in their own organisation or by providing external professional …