In the latest volume in this classic series, Rockman, Rudalevige, and Campbell once again bring together top-notch scholars, this time to take a comprehensive look at the first two years of Barack Obama’s presidency. Assessing Obama’s political strategy, as well as his administration’s successes and setbacks, chapter authors critically examine a presidency marked by continued partisanship, major policy battles, and continued global turmoil.
Daftar Isi
Preface and Overview – Bert A. Rockman and Andrew Rudalevige
‘Change We Can Believe In’ Meets Reality – Joel D. Aberbach
Strategic Assessments: Evaluating Opportunities and Strategies in the Obama Presidency – George C. Edwards III
Political Forces on the Obama Presidency: From Election ′08 to Governing – James E. Campbell
Public Opinion and the Presidency: The Obama and Anti-Obama Coalitions – Gary C. Jacobson
Obama and the Public Presidency: What Got You Here Won′t Get You There – Diane J. Heith
The Privileges of Access: Interest Groups and the White House – Lawrence R. Jacobs
Rivals, or a Team? Staff and IIssue Management in the Obama Administration – Andrew Rudalevige
Obama and the 111th Congress: Doing Big Things – Barbara Sinclair
Obama and the Law: Judicial Restraint at the Crossroads – David A. Yalof
Ambition, Necessity, and Polarization in the Obama Domestic Agenda – Christopher H. Foreman, Jr.
Continuity and Change in Obama′s Foreign Policy – Robert Singh
Economic Crisis and Political Change: A New New Deal? – M. Stephen Weatherford
Concluding Thoughts: President, Person, and System – Bert A. Rockman, Colin Campbell and Eric N. Waltenburg
Tentang Penulis
Colin Campbell is Canada Research Chair in U.S. Government and Politics at the University of British Columbia. Previously, he was university professor of public policy at Georgetown University. He has published nine books, three of which have won awards.