Penulis: Bill Fulford

Drozdstoy Stoyanov (Lead Editor, Bulgaria) is Full Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Plovdiv. Relevant internationally connected posts include Visiting Fellow in the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, USA (2009), Project Partner at the Collaborating Center for Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care, University of Oxford (2015), International Distinguished Fellow of American Psychiatric Association. He has published more than 160 scholarly papers, including five monographs and three textbooks. Bill (KWM) Fulford (United Kingdom) is Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, UK. He developed values-based practice in mental health through a series of programs supported by the UK Department of Health and established the Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice in Oxford to extend this work to other clinical areas (such as surgery)  (  Giovanni Stanghellini (Italy and Chile) is Professor of Dynamic Psychology and Psychopathology at “d’Annunzio” University (Chieti, Italy) and Profesor Adjuncto “D. Portales” Univesity (Santiago, Chile). He has many international posts and connections including co-editor of an OUP book series and as Chair of the Association of European Psychiatrists’ Section, and of the Scuola di Psicoterapia Fenomenologico-Dinamica (Florence). Werdie Van Staden (South Africa) is Nelson Mandela Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry and Director of the Centre for Ethics and Philosophy of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria. He chairs the Section for Philosophy and Humanities in the WPA, and secretary-general of the Section for Classification, Diagnostic Assessment and Nomenclature of the WPA. Michael Wong (Hong Kong, China and Australia) is Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, The University of Hong Kong. He is  Secretary to WPA Section of Philosophy & Humanities in Psychiatry and Advisor to the Chinese Health Foundation of Australia.  

4 Ebooks oleh Bill Fulford

Alastair Morgan & Anne Felton: Values and Ethics in Mental Health
Mental health is the one area of health care where people are often treated against their will, with the justification that it is in their own interest. This raises significant ethical questions and …
Bill Fulford & Werdie Van Staden: International Perspectives in Values-Based Mental Health Practice
This open access book offers essential information on values-based practice (VBP): the clinical skills involved, teamwork and person-centered care, links between values and evidence, and the importan …
Man Cheung Chung & Bill Fulford: Reconceiving Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia arguably is the most troubling, puzzling, and complex mental illness. No single discipline is equipped to understand it. Though schizophrenia has been investigated predominately from ps …
Alastair Morgan & Anne Felton: Values and Ethics in Mental Health
Mental health is the one area of health care where people are often treated against their will, with the justification that it is in their own interest. This raises significant ethical questions and …