The Watch Dog Is Mad is a humorous look at an intern fresh
from journalism school who is eager to show his business ability.
His use of the mass media using sensational headlines to
sell newspapers quickly brings financial success but chaos in
the community. In this book the mystery involves the intern
and the editor of the Sassafras Springs Gazette who have a lot
of surprises as they get to know each other. The intern learns
the responsibilities of operating a small town newspaper are
more important than most realize.
Tentang Penulis
Bob Wyatt has served in a number of positions and professions that provides a good background for this series, The Bachelor Preacher Mystery Series. This third in the series is the mystery in the life of a newspaper editor and his intern.
Bob was born in Johnson County and reared in the small town of Leeton, Missouri. Graduating from the local high school he continued his education with a B.S. in Bible from Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, a B. Music Education and M.S. in Education from Univeristy of Central Missouri in Warrensburg and added correspondence work from Johnson Bible College, Kimberlin Heights, Tennessee.
He has had over 50 books published dealing with family and local histories along with a couple of cookbooks. His other work experience includes ministering to two congregations; heading The Christian Government Ministery which provided spiritual encouragement to the Missouri legislature; editor/owner of three small town newspapers, a two county shopper and a printing shop; operated a restaurant; was a high school marching band and show choir director; and currently is involved in setting up drama productions both in Missouri and Europe in an ongoing cultural exchange he organized.
He currently serves on the Leeton (Missouri) City Council in his home community, is curator for the local museum and serves as president of the Mineral Creek Historical Society. He has served as a deacon, teacher, superintendent of Sunday school, and worked in many positions in church camp and vacation Bible schools. His love for life is demonstrated in his effort to serve others emphasizing the need for people to work together to lift each other to higher levels of accomplishment and Christian witness.