actively promote the fundamental British values of
democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and
tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The Teachers′ Standards make it clear that teachers themselves must do nothing to undermine these fundamental British Values.
So how do schools and teachers provide educational experiences for primary aged children that explore and promote these values?
This text provides trainees, teachers and schools with practice-based advice, informed by current practitioners, relating to the delivery of ‘British Values′. The content covers many topical themes and provides a unique insight into delivering ‘British Values’ in schools. It supports educational professionals to understand their duties around the PREVENT agenda and goes further to explore why this is important. It helps trainees and teachers to see how these ′values′ fit within the wider context of education and what we value as educators.
Tentang Penulis
Colin Howard is a senior primary lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITT) at the University of Worcester. He has been involved in primary education for over 24 years of which 14 years has been as a successful head teacher in both small village and large primary school settings. He has a strong research interest which includes primary science, aspects of professional practice and teachers’ professional identity. He is a SIAMS inspector of the Diocese of Hereford.