Use this updated resource to prepare for your journey into teaching
Teaching is an ongoing learning process. Where do you begin? This newly revised and updated 2nd edition of The First Years Matter sheds light on what your first years are all about. Key actions steps and a flexible twelve-month curriculum – including July for reflection and planning – keeps you proactively prepared for the classroom. Use this book to collaborate more effectively with your mentor who may be using the companion text Mentoring in Action.
The First Years Matter includes a planning section, affirmations, and activities to help you master classroom management, instruction, assessment, goal setting, and more. Whether you’re a first year teacher or entering your second or third year, you’ll learn to mindfully
- Align mentoring to your state or district evaluation standards
- Integrate student voice to build a community of learners
- Prepare for teacher observations and standardized testing
- Apply mentoring lessons to differentiate instruction
- Develop leadership opportunities
- Gather evidence to document your progress
This updated version includes convenient QR codes and a robust companion website featuring videos, downloadable forms, and a journal for reflection. Start your teaching journey off right. Use this empowering book to become a competent and confident teacher!
‘I love the idea of having mentors and mentees work alongside each other with Mentoring in Action and The First Years Matter, sharing their thoughts about challenges and successes each month and opening up a reflective dialogue.’
Karen Mayotte, Grade 2 Classroom Teacher/ Co-coordinator Mentor Program
Nashoba Regional School District
Daftar Isi
Foreword: Peter M. De Witt
About the Author
Part I Beginning Your Journey Into Teaching
The Purpose of Induction and Mentoring
Sustainable Mentoring
What is Mentoring in Action?
Building a Relationship With Your Mentor
Purposeful Mentoring Conversations
Part II Month-by-Month Mentoring: Being Mentored in Action
Why Do We Need a Mentoring Curriculum?
A Month-by-Month Cycle for Mentoring
The Transformation of a Teacher
August Orientation to the School and Community: Resources and Values
September Beginning the School Year Successfully: Creating a Community of Learners in the Classroom
October Teaching For Understanding: Planning and Delivering Effective Instruction
November Assessing Diverse Learners: How Do Teachers Know Students Have Learned?
December Maintaining Balance: Teaching and Keeping the Students Interested
January Beginning a New Calendar Year: Looking Back and Moving Forward
February Engaging Students in the Curriculum: Focus on Content through Active Inquiry
March With Your Mentor: Building a Trusting Relationship
April Standards: Creating Meaningful Standards-Based Learning Experiences for Students
May Assessing Students’ Progress: High-Stakes Tests and Teacher Assessment
June Completing the Year: Paperwork, Relationships, and Closing a Room
July Final Reflection and Planning For Next Year: Retreat, Reflect, Review
Tentang Penulis
Carol Pelletier Radford is the founder of Mentoring in Action, an organization dedicated to the success of novice teachers and their mentors. Before she established her own organization to support mentors and new teachers, she was a veteran elementary school teacher and a teacher preparation leader. Carol is the author of Corwin’s bestselling books Mentoring in Action: Guiding, Sharing, and Reflecting With Novice Teachers and The First Years Matter: Becoming an Effective Teacher.Carol received her Education Doctorate from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, where she focused her studies on mentoring and teacher leadership. She is also a certified yoga teacher who practices meditation and shares mindfulness strategies with educators through her online courses and website. Her podcast Teaching With Light features the stories of teachers and inspirational leaders. Her next passion project is the creation of a Teacher Legacy Network, where retired teachers can share their wisdom with the next generation of teachers.You can learn more about Carol, find free resources, videos, meditations, courses, and all of her books at @Mentorin Action Facebook: @Mentoringin Action4Teachers Instagram: @cpradford