Penulis: Casner Curran

Casner Curran is a sixth grade English teacher. He graduated from The University of Northern Colorado with a Bachelor?s Degree in English and geography. He also has a Master?s degree in Divinity from Denver Seminary. Casner lives in Colorado Springs with his wife and two children.

2 Ebooks oleh Casner Curran

Casner Curran: The Magic Store Across the Street
Demonic visitations, occult powers, witchcraft, and spritual warfare are just some of the elements that make The Magic Store Across the Street such a thriller. However, The Magic Store Across the Str …
Casner Curran: The Witch Across the Street
Byron and his little sister Jazmin are terrified when their mom makes them deliver cookies to a neighbor who lives in a haunted house. However, visiting this lady everyone calls a witch is only the b …