DIY, Do It Yourself DukungCatalogBuku PanduanHobi / RumahPengembangan Kreativitas MembentukKerajinan TanganLukisan, Gambar, WarnaBernyanyi dan Membuat MusikFotografi, Film, Film VideoBermain, MenebakMengumpulkan, Katalog KolektorDIY, Do It YourselfKonstruksi, Renovasi5,934 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Rupa Chatterjee: Home Management PDF Adobe DRM €8.99 Maria Diaz: Easy Cross Stitch Series 3 Each title in the Easy Cross Stitch series provides a beautiful collection of designs to inspire and challenge beginning stitchers. These thematic resource books offer an easy-to-follow, full-color c … PDF Adobe DRM €8.95 Susie Johns: Twenty to Make Susie Johns has designed this mouth-watering collection of novelty knitted food items, ranging from hot dogs and cheeseburgers to sushi and fried breakfasts, as part of the popular ’20 to Make’ serie … PDF Adobe DRM €6.42 Tash Bentley: Crochet Flowers This lovely crafting book can by employed by crocheter’s as a foundation for countless projects. Each example flower is presented in a large, full-color photograph and is accompanied by written and d … PDF Adobe DRM €14.18 Susan Bates: Cross Stitch Sampler Book Inspired by a wide variety of subjects-the natural world; the shapes, colors, and patterns of pottery designs of the 1950s and 1960s; sweets and cakes; baby toys and clothes; parties and special occa … PDF Adobe DRM €19.28 Val Pierce: Twenty to Make Crochet 20 little bears and dress them up in a wonderful range of colourful outfits that will delight both adults and children alike. All the bears in the book are based on the same, simple crocheted … PDF Adobe DRM €6.40 Lesley Teare: Cross Stitch Tea Time Twenty circular designs are included in this book, and each is accompanied by a full-color and symbol chart for 14-count Aida or 28-count evenweave linen. Each design concentrates on tea time: gorgeo … PDF Adobe DRM €9.01 Lesley Teare: Cross Stitch Cute Animals Each of the 20 circular designs in this book is accompanied by a full-color and symbol chart for 14-count Aida or 28-count evenweave linen. Each design measures approximately 8 x 8 inches and all can … PDF Adobe DRM €8.96 Maria Diaz: Easy Cross Stitch Series 4 Each title in the Easy Cross Stitch series provides a beautiful collection of designs to inspire and challenge beginning stitchers. These thematic resource books offer an easy-to-follow, full-color c … PDF Adobe DRM €8.98 Maria Diaz: Cross Stitch Motif Series 4 Each title in the Cross Stitch Motif series contains dozens of themed borders, small and large images, and samplers to inspire an endless array of stitching projects. Easy-to-follow color charts and … PDF Adobe DRM €11.57 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×