Roman DukungCatalogIlmu Pengetahuan ManusiaBahasaLinguistikSastraJermanBahasa InggrisGermanic lainnyaRomanKlasikSlaviaBahasa Lainnya6,449 Ebooks dalam kategori ini David Quint: Cervantes’s Novel of Modern Times This book offers a radically new reading of Don Quijote, understanding it as a whole much greater than the sum of its famous parts. David Quint discovers a unified narrative and deliberate thematic d … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €41.99 Martine Grice: The Intonation of Interrogation in Palermo Italian In Palermo Italian yes-no interrogatives, if the last syllable of a phrase is unstressed, the nuclear pitch contour is rising-falling, whereas if it is stressed, the contour is simply rising. Such co … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €109.95 George Mariscal: Contradictory Subjects This ambitious book attempts to rehistoricize the Golden Age of Spain (ca. 1550-1680) by placing literary production in its socio-cultural context. Drawing on theories of cultural materialism and mak … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €154.99 Lynn C. Purkey: Spanish Reception of Russian Narratives, 1905-1939 This book examines Spain’s reception of Russo-Soviet literature and its relationship with Nuevo Romanticismo through the lens of Bakhtin’s theories on the novel. Drawing upon theories on the novel in … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 D. Gareth Walters: The Poetry of Salvador Espriu The first book-length study in English of the poetry of Salvador Espriu [1913-85]. Two standpoints govern the approach taken to the poetry of Salvador Espriu [1913-85] in this first extended study of … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Paul McDermid: Love, Desire and Identity in the Theatre of Federico García Lorca Physical desire and metaphysical love in the theatre of Federico García Lorca. A dialectical tension between physical desire and metaphysical love lies at the heart of the theatre works of Federico G … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Javier Javier Jimenez-Belmonte: Las Obras en Verso del Príncipe de Esquilache Las Obras de Esquilache como pieza clave para la comprensión del papel del amateurismo aristocrático en la formación del campo literario barroco español. Este volumen ofrece el primer estudio monográ … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Isabel Moutinho: The Colonial Wars in Contemporary Portuguese Fiction The Portuguese fiction that awakened public debate on imperialism The colonial wars in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau in the 1960s and 1970s were Portugal’s Vietnam. The novels discussed in thi … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Sarah Misemer: Secular Saints The sanctification of stardom Contemporary icons are drawn from popular culture – musicians, artists, actors, and other personalities we hear on radio or see on television, on screen, in print and in … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Rafael Sánchez Martínez: El teatro en Murcia en el siglo XVII (1593-1695) El primer estudio serio del teatro del siglo XVII en Murcia. Este libro, basado en abundante documentación de archivo, es el primer estudio serio del teatro del siglo XVII en Murcia. El autor se cent … PDF Inggris Adobe DRM €30.99 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×