Psikoanalisis DukungCatalogIlmu Pengetahuan ManusiaPsikologiJenderal, EnsiklopediaDasar-dasarPsikologi TeoritisPsikologi TerapanPsikoanalisisLain-lain1,725 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Sigmund Freud: Psychopathology of Everyday Life It was while tracing back the abnormal to the normal state that Professor Freud found how faint the line of demarcation was between the normal and neurotic person, and that the psychopathologic mecha … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €1.99 Richard F. Summers & Jacques P. Barber: Psychodynamic Therapy Firmly grounded in contemporary clinical practice and research, this pragmatic guide for professionals and students is now in a revised and expanded second edition. The book explains the theory under … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €52.99 Vicky Lebeau: Psychoanalysis and Cinema Lebeau examines the long and uneven history of developments in modern art, science, and technology that brought pychoanalysis and the cinema together towards the end of the nineteenth century. She ex … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €21.99 Julia Kristeva: Strangers to Ourselves This book is concerned with the notion of the stranger—the foreigner, outsider, or alien in a country and society not their own—as well as the notion of strangeness within the self, a person’s deep s … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €24.99 Gautam Basu Thakur: Postcolonial Lack Postcolonial Lack reconvenes dialogue between Lacanian psychoanalysis and postcolonial theory in order to expand the range of cultural analyses of the former and make the latter theoretically relevan … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €35.99 C. G. Jung: Jung on Alchemy Illuminating selections from Jung’s writings on alchemy and the transformation of the human spirit The ancient practice of alchemy, which thrived in Europe until the seventeenth century, dealt with t … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €34.99 Jean-Bertrand Pontalis: Brother of the Above After 1980, J.-B. Pontalis published literary works, and often with autobiographical resonances. Brother of the Above is no exception for a clear subtext from the author is ‘self-analysis.’ Biographi … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €10.99 Martin Murray: Jacques Lacan *Winner of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book Prize, 2016* The wide-ranging and brilliant ideas of the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) have had a major influence on modern thought. H … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €26.99 Rollo May: Freedom and Destiny The popular psychoanalyst examines the continuing tension in our lives between the possibilities that freedom offers and the various limitations imposed upon us by our particular fate or destiny. ‘Ma … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €18.99 Theodor Reik: From Thirty Years with Freud Despite Freud’s personal frankness in his writings he retained a deep inner reserve and so is likely to remain a man of mystery to future generations, who will greatly like to understand what manner … EPUB Inggris Adobe DRM €9.49 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×