Dasar-dasar DukungCatalogSainsMatematikaJenderal, EnsiklopediaDasar-dasarAritmatika, AljabarGeometriAnalisisTeori Probabilitas, StatistikLain-lain188 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Fernando Ferreira & Reinhard Kahle: Axiomatic Thinking II In this two-volume compilation of articles, leading researchers reevaluate the success of Hilbert’s axiomatic method, which not only laid the foundations for our understanding of modern mathematics, … PDF Inggris €106.99 Jean-Yves Beziau & Ioannis Vandoulakis: The Exoteric Square of Opposition The theory of the square of opposition has been studied for over 2, 000 years and has seen a resurgence in new theories and research since the second half of the twentieth century. This volume collec … PDF Inggris €149.79 Ángel Garrido & Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska: The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present This is a collection of new investigations and discoveries on the history of a great tradition, the Lvov-Warsaw School of logic and mathematics, by the best specialists from all over the world. The p … PDF Inggris €139.09 Timothy J. Madigan & Jean-Yves Béziau: Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth John Corcoran was a very well-known logician who worked on several areas of logic. He produced decisive works giving a better understanding of two major figures in the history of logic, Aristotle and … PDF Inggris €139.09 Toshiyasu Arai & Makoto Kikuchi: Advances in Mathematical Logic Gaisi Takeuti was one of the most brilliant, genius, and influential logicians of the 20th century. He was a long-time professor and professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of Illinois a … PDF Inggris €160.49 Fernando Ferreira & Reinhard Kahle: Axiomatic Thinking I In this two-volume compilation of articles, leading researchers reevaluate the success of Hilbert’s axiomatic method, which not only laid the foundations for our understanding of modern mathematics, … PDF Inggris €96.29 Jean-Yves Béziau & Jean-Pierre Desclés: Logic in Question This contributed volume collects papers related to the Logic in Question workshop, which has taken place annually at Sorbonne University in Paris since 2011. Each year, the workshop brings together h … PDF Inggris €181.89 Paulo Guilherme Santos: Diagonalization in Formal Mathematics In this book, Paulo Guilherme Santos studies diagonalization in formal mathematics from logical aspects to everyday mathematics. He starts with a study of the diagonalization lemma and its relation t … PDF Inggris €53.49 Misha Gromov: Great Circle of Mysteries This visionary and engaging book provides a mathematical perspective on the fundamental ideas of numbers, space, life, evolution, the brain and the mind. The author suggests how a development of math … PDF Inggris €128.39 Geoffrey Hellman & Roy T. Cook: Hilary Putnam on Logic and Mathematics This book explores the research of Professor Hilary Putnam, a Harvard professor as well as a leading philosopher, mathematician and computer scientist. It features the work of distinguished scholars … PDF Inggris €128.39 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×