Jurnalisme DukungCatalogIlmu SosialMedia / KomunikasiJenderal, EnsiklopediaJurnalismeToko Buku, PerpustakaanStudi MediaIlmu KomunikasiLain-lain1,856 Ebooks dalam kategori ini Rohit Sabharwal: Leadership Communication Essentials ‘Leadership Communication Essentials’ explores the crucial role of business communicators in shaping relationships between businesses and stakeholders. We delve into the strategies employed by the Ar … EPUB Inggris €28.66 Xena Mindhurst: Rhetoric Mastery ‘Rhetoric Mastery’ offers a comprehensive exploration of persuasive communication that bridges ancient wisdom with modern challenges. The book expertly weaves together classical rhetorical principles … EPUB Inggris €5.04 Xena Mindhurst: Say What? ‘Say What?’ embarks on a captivating journey through the world of idioms, proverbs, and colloquialisms, unraveling the mysteries behind the phrases we use daily. This comprehensive exploration delves … EPUB Inggris €5.70 Aiden Feynman: Technical Writing ‘Technical Writing: Mastering the Art of Clear Communication’ explores the crucial role of effective documentation in the digital age. This comprehensive guide bridges the gap between complex technic … EPUB Inggris €5.70 Amelia Khatri: European Languages ‘European Languages: A Historical Journey Through Linguistic Evolution’ delves into the fascinating development of European languages, offering a comprehensive exploration of their origins, evolution … EPUB Inggris €5.70 Maxwell Chen: Book Writing ‘Book Writing’ offers a comprehensive roadmap for transforming creative ideas into published works, combining practical instruction with deep industry insights. This methodical guide breaks down the … EPUB Inggris €4.19 Liam Dijkstra: Peculiar Words ‘Peculiar Words’ is a fascinating exploration of uncommon English language terms that continue to influence professional communication across various fields. This comprehensive guide investigates how … EPUB Inggris €4.59 Thalia Quayle: Vividly Verbose ‘Vividly Verbose’ takes readers on an illuminating journey through the world of adjectives, exploring their profound impact on language and communication. This comprehensive guide examines both the s … EPUB Inggris €5.70 Thalia Quayle: Simple Sayings ‘Simple Sayings: Unraveling the Colorful World of Idioms’ offers a captivating exploration of the idiomatic expressions that enrich our daily language. This comprehensive guide delves into the origin … EPUB Inggris €4.56 Emma Wilson: Oratory Skills Oratory Skills presents a comprehensive exploration of public speaking’s transformative power throughout history, combining timeless wisdom with modern scientific insights. The book builds its founda … EPUB Inggris €11.19 Halaman selanjutnya >>> 0 0 Periksa 0,00 × × × Ubah bahasa pengguna × ArabJermanInggrisSpanyolPerancisHindiIndonesiaItaliaMelayuBelandaPolandiaPortugisRumaniaRusiaSwediaThaiTurkiUkrainaVietnamCinaInternational Modal ×