Penulis: Cathleen Sarti

Heta Aali (MA) is a doctoral candidate at the University of Turku, Finland. Anna-Leena Perämäki (MA) is a doctoral candidate at the University of Turku, Finland. Cathleen Sarti, born 1980, has finished her doctoral dissertation at the university of Mainz in 2017. Her research focuses on political culture and authority in Protestant monarchies in Northern Europe, 1400-1700.

4 Ebooks oleh Cathleen Sarti

Milinda Banerjee & Charlotte Backerra: Transnational Histories of the ‘Royal Nation’
This book challenges existing accounts of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in which political developments are explained in terms of the rise of the nation-state. While monarchies are often p …
Heta Aali & Anna-Leena Perämäki: Memory Boxes
This volume discusses a practical approach to cultural transfer and exchange through the concept of »memory box«. Ideas of displacement, transfer, and cultural memory are explored through case …
Sonja Georgi & Julia Ilgner: Geschichtstransformationen
Historische Erfahrungen und Ereignisse werden auf unterschiedliche Weise vermittelt, angeeignet und umgedeutet. Dieser Band betrachtet quantitative wie qualitative Verfahrensweisen und …
Cathleen Sarti: Women and Economic Power in Premodern Royal Courts
Premodern kings and queens had splendid courts to show their God-given power. But where did the money for these come from? Following the money trail back often leads to unexpectedly savvy women who …