Cédric Lhoussaine is a professor at the Université de Lille and head of the Bio Computing team at the Research Center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatic Control of Lille (CRISt AL), France.
Élisabeth Remy is a CNRS research director at the Mathematics Institute of Marseille and head of the Mathematics and Algorithms for Biological Systems team (MABio S) at Aix Marseille Université, France.
3 Ebooks oleh Cedric Lhoussaine
Cedric Lhoussaine: Approches symboliques de la modelisation et de l’analyse des systemes biologiques
La biologie des systemes, ou biologie systemique, est une approche de la biologie qui consiste a englober la complexite des interactions entre les entites biologiques dans un tout systemique. Le but …
Cedric Lhoussaine & Elisabeth Remy: Symbolic Approaches to Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems
Cedric Lhoussaine & Elisabeth Remy: Symbolic Approaches to Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems
Systems Biology is an approach to biology that involves understanding the complexity of interactions among biological entities within a systemic whole. The goal is to understand the emergence of phys …