This landmark resource investigates and documents current and predicted trends regarding the experiences of grandparents in the United States and abroad. Edited by two of the foremost scholars and educators on the health and wellbeing of grandparents raising their grandchildren, it reflects the enormous changes in the roles of grandparents during the last several decades and explores the historical and social context in which these changes have occurred.
With contributions from internationally recognized scholars in family studies, gerontology, human development, psychology, social work, and sociology, this interdisciplinary resource examines the roles of grandparents from multiple perspectives including the cultural/historical, developmental, ecological, and cross cultural, as well as from a clinical/family systems perspective. It reflects the redefinition of the role of grandparents over the past 20 years, mirroring societal shifts in greater longevity and life expectancy, and a greater awareness that grandparenting cannot be viewed in a sociocultural vacuum. Scholars, clinicians, and educators of adult development and aging, will find a wealth of critical information in their fields of endeavor, as will policy makers and clinical practitioners. Print version of the book includes free, searchable, digital access to entire contents of the book!
Key Features:
- Addresses new dimensions of grandparenting such as sexual orientation, health of grandparents, resilience and resourcefulness, step-grandparents, and great-grandparenting
- Delivers groundbreaking research on the health and wellbeing of grandparents caring for their grandchildren
- Covers decreasing health disparities, health care coverage, and stipends for grandparents who are not certified kinship providers
- Examines grief, clinical interventions, grandparent-grandchild and intergenerational relationships, divorce, and the prevalence of multigenerational households
- Discusses the expanding role of grandfathers, the impact of HIV-AIDS and drug addiction on grandparents, and the global nature of grandparenting
- Includes clinical case study approaches to helping grandparents
Daftar Isi
Helen Q. Kivnick
Section 1: Understanding Grandparenthood
1. Theoretical Approaches to Grandparenting
Katherine R. Allen, Angela C. Henderson, and Michelle M. Murray
2. Research Methods and Grandparenting
Joyce Weil and Angela Nancy Mendoza
3. From the Classic to the Third Demographic Transition: Grandparenting across Three Cohorts in the U.S.
Luoman Bao and Feinian Chen
4. Grandparent-grandchild Relationships: A Proposed Mutuality Model with a Focus on Young Children and Adolescents
Eva Kahana, Boaz Kahana, Timothy Goler, and Jeffery Kahana
5. Growing Old and Growing Up: Grandparents and their Adult Grandchildren in the Context of Mutigenerational Relationships
Merril Silverstein
6. Divorce and Stepgrandparenthood
Lawrence Ganong, Caroline Sanner, and Marilyn Coleman
7. Grandfathers: Are their Roles Changing and is this Having on Impact on Grandchildren?
Ann Buchanan
Section 2: Grandparents and Diversity
8. Grandparenthood and Sexual Orientation
Christine A. Fruhauf, Kristin Scherrer, and Nancy A. Orel
9. Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren
Bert Hayslip Jr. and Christine A. Fruhauf
10. Grandparents in Changing Times: Negotiating Gender Across Generations
Amanda E. Barnett and Ingrid A. Connidis
Section 3: Difficulties and Strengths in Grandparenting
11. Grandparents and Health
Jeremy B. Yorgason and Melanie S. Hill
12. Grandparenthood: Clinical Issues and Interventions
Megan L. Dolbin-Mac Nab, Bradford D. Stucki, and Jameson E. Natwick
13. Resilience, Resourcefulness, and Grandparenting
Carol M. Musil, Jaclene A. Zauszniewski, Sarah E. Givens, Christina Henrich, Mc Kenzie Wallace, Alexandra Jeanblanc, and Christopher J. Burant
14. Clinical Intervention of Grandfamilies in a Rural Setting: A Special Case
Robert J. Maiden
15. Grandparents and Grief
Andrea C. Walker
16. Grandparenting when Grandchildren are not Present
Shannon E. Jarrott, Shelbie G. Turner, Jill J. Naar, and Aaron M. Ogletree
Section 4: Cultural/Societal Aspects of Grandparenting
17. Grandparents and Social Policy
Carole B. Cox
18. Grandparents and Race/Ethnicity
Julian Montoro-Rodriguez and Jennifer Ramsey
19. Grandparent Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Evaluation
Paris S. Strom and Robert D. Strom
20. Global Perspectives on Grandparenting: A Conceptual Metaframework
Megan L. Dolbin-Mac Nab and Loriena A. Yancura
21. Great Grandparenting in Israel
Ahuva Even-Zohar
22. What’s Next for Grandparenthood Research? Conclusions and Future Directions
Christine A. Fruhauf and Bert Hayslip Jr.
Tentang Penulis
Bert Hayslip, Jr, Ph D, is Regents Professor of Psychology at the University of North Texas.