Dr. Dorothea Bahns und Dr. Christoph Schweigert sind Professoren am Department Mathematik der Universität Hamburg.
4 Ebooks oleh Christoph Schweigert
Chengming Bai & Jürgen Fuchs: Conformal Field Theories and Tensor Categories
The present volume is a collection of seven papers that are either based on the talks presented at the workshop ‘Conformal field theories and tensor categories’ held June 13 to June 17, 2011 at the B …
Dorothea Bahns & Christoph Schweigert: Softwarepraktikum – Analysis und Lineare Algebra
Computeralgebra- Systeme wie MAPLE gehören heute zum Alltag aller, die Mathematik in Schule, Wirtschaft und Hochschule anwenden. Gleichzeitig bieten sie die Möglichkeit, in ganz anderer Weise Beispie …
Jürgen Fuchs & Christoph Schweigert: String-Net Construction of RCFT Correlators
This book studies using string-net models to accomplish a direct, purely two-dimensional, approach to correlators of two-dimensional rational conformal field theories. The authors obtain concise geom …
Simon Lentner & Svea Nora Mierach: Hochschild Cohomology, Modular Tensor Categories, and Mapping Class Groups I
The book addresses a key question in topological field theory and logarithmic conformal field theory: In the case where the underlying modular category is not semisimple, topological field theory app …