Barefoot Doctor has been a Taoist healer for forty years, and is trained in all forms of holistic Chinese medicine and acupuncture. He has published books on all aspects of Taoism and how to take command of your mind/life.
He was trained initially at the age of 11 by Tio Honsai, his then Aikido master, who himself was a great healer. He taught him how to channel healing force (ki) through his hands, by which he was soon able to help those around him dispel all sorts of aches and pains, and also feel far calmer and clearer-minded.
He subsequently trained in depth and hands-on with one of the greatest of all the great healers of the human soul who ever graced the earth, the late, great R. D. Laing, with whom he gained not only acute insight into the human condition and its mechanisms, but also practical learning by being with many people in states of extreme distress.
He began a healing practice in London in 1983. These were early days for the world of holistic medicine, and being one of the very first and well-schooled, if not yet greatly experienced, thus able to gain good results for people, the practice rapidly grew, drawing to his door celebrities, and inevitably in their footsteps, journalists. The ensuing publicity then enabled him to bring to the world what he”d been working on all the while, a series of offerings by which people could heal themselves-whether by reading a book, through electronic “medicine music” for meditation or to play on the dance floor, which he composes, produces and occasionally performs, deploying sonic frequencies in various combinations to produce specific healing effects; through online trainings and internet-based gatherings; through other more conventional media; giving talks; holding seminars; running retreats; hosting alternative “conscious clubbing” club nights; and even at one point, in the true spirit of the conceptual artist, through a range of fragrances and body products he created for fun, but which spontaneously grew into a relatively large commercial concern for a while.
Further information on Barefoot Doctor can be found at the following websites:
For wisdom, trainings, healing music, retreats and more:;
For books and more:
1 Ebooks oleh Cinematiko Meditori
Barefoot Doctor: Twisted Fables for Twisted Minds
What starts innocently enough as a series of apparently disconnected surrealistic subversive comedy vignettes addressing all aspects and quirks of the human condition, soon develops into a rip-roarin …