When Dr. Carole Buckingham sets off on a holistic quest to investigate and study alternative treatments to apply to modern-day therapies and treatments, her life suddenly takes a dramatic turn as she begins her journey through this world of discovery set against a backdrop of world technology and surveillance, watched over by two operatives by the name of John Socrates and his colleague Jane Pandora, who are coworkers at a commercial organization called Channel Zero.
Carole soon begins to discover that when she meets a stranger who calls himself Negus, who is someone that she finds also possesses the gift of healing through his own determinate will and faith in having been diagnosed with a rare medical condition.
It is through this chance meeting that both Carole and Negus begin to form a unique and special bond between them. And yet as their friendship begins to develop and flourish and as they both become ever more drawn closer together in an unpredictable and fragile world where nothing is quite what it seems or appears to be what it is, the unfamiliarity brings Carole and Negus to question their own perceptions of truth as they attempt to challenge their own interpretations of one another until eventually, things begin to come to a positive friendship between them. Suddenly, an unfortunate set of circumstances takes place, which threatens Caroles life, which in turn leaves Negus to attempt to save her while putting his own life at risk.
Tentang Penulis
As a writer and a poet and as an artist and performer, I have always felt the need to convey my thoughts through the artistic expression of words and music and even through the unspoken medium of movement and motion, as much as it is up to the creativity of a writer, which is for me to capture or to record these moments as they unfold and take shape revealing their naked truths in the purest of forms of their suggestions and clues toward a revelation unknowingly becoming attuned and responsive to the reciprocal mind. As I have come to learn and engage in the process of the languages and the words, also each independently has its own hidden inner depth when spoken, or as when heard or as when read, as each processed word proceeds one after the other, building a foundation and creating layer upon layer until its volume is felt. Whether I choose to promote this idea upon a line of questioning or examining or analyzing, a stand of truth by capturing a piece of reality or whether I am entranced by the enchantment of something more sublime like a mystery or a fantasy is even somewhat inspirational to me as to how my thoughts of expression and energy are channeled through such a medium and a basic quality in challenging my ability to write paragraph after paragraph and page after page until, ordinarily, the mundane of perfection of the subjective object is met and begins to excite me. As writing is also very much an internal journey toward understanding the inner self and examination of the reflective world that surrounds us all insomuch that we are constantly redefining and readjusting to all that is apparently so and open to see. But as to whether we can learn to accept through interpretation of all that is extended before us, it is also to glance in a mirror and to attempt to recognize if all is as it appears to be.