An evaluation of the most enduring privatisation of the Thatcher
era …
Written in an accessible style, this is a key reference for
students and researchers in housing and planning; geography; and
social policy.
The book analyses the operation and impact of the right to buy
policy (RTB). It includes a critique of the Housing Act and the
2001 Housing (Scotland) Act. The enactment of these changes under a
Labour government affirms the continuance of the RTB. The authors
take stock of its profound effect on housing policy, reversing the
growth in social housing developed over the twentieth century,
transforming the nation’s tenure structure and revolutionising the
UK housing system.
The Right to Buy: analysis and evaluation of a housing policy
begins with an examination of the policy background to the
establishment of the RTB and the main features of the legislation.
This is followed by chapters that review its take-up and the
pattern of sales and their impact on social housing; a chapter
examining the financial aspects of the RTB from the viewpoints of
tenants, local authorities and central government; one looking at
the impact of the RTB via subsequent re-sales on the open market
and on the private rented sector; and a chapter drawing on the
information already reviewed to consider the potential of the RTB
to create sustainable and diverse communities. In the final
chapters the international experience of parallel policies are
considered and the future take-up of the RTB is assessed in the
light of recent reforms together with alternatives.
Daftar Isi
1: Introduction.
2: A Policy For Its Time.
3: The Right To Buy In The Uk 1980- 20054: Unequal
Opportunities, Time And Place.
5: Transforming Social Housing.
6: Extending The Owner Occupied Housing Market.
7: Promoting The Private Rented Sector.
8: Creating Sustainable Communities.
9: Housing Management And Housing Quality.
10: The Financial Equation.
11: Policy Transfer – International Perspectives On
Housing Privatisation.
12: A Policy Past Its Sell-By Date?.
13: Learning From the Right to Buy.
Tentang Penulis
Colin Jones is Professor of Estate Management, School of the Built
Environment, Heriot-Watt University
Alan Murie is Professor of Housing, Centre for Urban and
Regional Studies, University of Birmingham