Corinne Grenier is Professor of Strategy and Innovation at KEDGE Business School, France, and is the director of the Center of Expertise Health & Innovation. She is also the scientific director of the MSAIS (Mastere Specialise Management des Structures et Activites Innovantes en Sante) program.
Ewan Oiry is Full Professor in HRM at Ecole des Sciences de Gestion – Universite du Québec a Montreal (ESG-UQAM), Canada. His research focuses on competence management. He is co-lead of the AGRH Thematic Research Group “Competency Management – Didier Retour”.
5 Ebooks oleh Corinne Grenier
Corinne Grenier & Ewan Oiry: Altering Frontiers
How can healthcare systems be transformed by reimagining their multiple silos to favor processes and practices that are more responsive to local, horizontal initiatives? Altering Frontiers analyzes n …
Corinne Grenier & Ewan Oiry: Altering Frontiers
How can healthcare systems be transformed by reimagining their multiple silos to favor processes and practices that are more responsive to local, horizontal initiatives? Altering Frontiers analyzes n …
Corinne Grenier & Ewan Oiry: Les defis du decloisonnement
Comment transformer les systemes de soin en alterant leurs cloisonnements multiples pour privilegier des organisations et des processus plus attentifs a l’horizontalite et aux initiatives locales ?Le …
Luigi Flora & Corinne Grenier: Experience in Healthcare Innovation
Using the experience of patients, users, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to innovate and rethink healthcare organizations and systems is gaining ground. Deploying these innovative met …
Luigi Flora & Corinne Grenier: Experience in Healthcare Innovation
Using the experience of patients, users, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders to innovate and rethink healthcare organizations and systems is gaining ground. Deploying these innovative met …