There are few areas of society today that remain outside the ambit of policy processes, and likewise policy making has progressively reached into the structure and fabric of everyday life. An instrument of modern government, policy and its processes provide an analytical window into systems of governance themselves, opening up ways to study power and the construction of regimes of truth. This volume argues that policies are not simply coercive, constraining or confined to static texts; rather, they are productive, continually contested and able to create new social and semantic spaces and new sets of relations. Anthropologists do not stand outside or above systems of governance but are themselves subject to the rhetoric and rationalities of policy. The analyses of policy worlds presented by the contributors to this volume open up new possibilities for understanding systems of knowledge and power and the positioning of academics within them.
Daftar Isi
Chapter 1. Conceptualising Policy: Technologies of Governance and the Politics of Visibility
Cris Shore and Susan Wright
Section I: Studying Policy: Methods, Paradigms, Perspectives
Susan Wright
Chapter 2. Illuminating the Apparatus: Steps toward a Nonlocal Ethnography of Global Governance
Greg Feldman, University of British Columbia
Chapter 3. Politics and Ethics: Ethnographies of Expert Knowledge and Professional Identities
David Mosse, SOAS, London
Chapter 4. Peopling Policy: on Conflicting Subjectivities of Fee-Paying Students
Gritt B. Nielsen, Aarhus University
Chapter 5. Studying through”: a Strategy for Studying Political Transformations. Or Sex, Lies and British Politics
Susan Wright and Sue Reinhold (North Berkeley Investment Partners)
Chapter 6. What was Neo-liberalism and what Comes Next? The Transformation of Citizenship in the Law-and-Order State
Susan Hyatt, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Section II: Studying Governance: Policy as a Window onto the Modern State
Cris Shore
Chapter 7. Intimate Knowledge and the Politics of Policy Convergence: The World Bank and Social Security Reform in Mexico
Tara Schwegler, University of Chicago
Chapter 8. Shadow Governing: What the Neocon Core Reveals About Power and Influence in America
Janine Wedel, George Mason University
Chapter 9. Espionage, Policy and the Art of Government: The British Secret Services and the War on Iraq
Cris Shore
Chapter 10. The (Un)making of Policy in the Shadow of the World Bank: Infrastructure Development, Urban Resettlement and the Cunning State in India
Shalini Randeriaand Ciara Grunder, University of Zurich
Chapter 11. Sweden’s National Pension System as a Political Technology
Anette Nyqvist, Stockholm University
Section III: Subjects of Policy: Construction and Contestation
Davide Però
Chapter 12. The Case of Scanzano: Raison d’Etat and the Reasons for Rebellion
Dorothy Louise Zinn, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Chapter 13. Migrants’ Practices of Citizenship and Policy Change
Davide Però
Chapter 14. Integration Policy and Ethnic Minority Associations
Clarissa Kugelberg Upsala University
Chapter 15. The Elephant in the Room. Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Organisation
Birgit Müller, LAIOS-CNRS Paris
Chapter 16. A policy ethnographer’s reading of policy anthropology
Dvora Yanow, Vrije University
Notes on Contributors
Tentang Penulis
Davide Però is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Nottingham.