‘It is well, well done — I will indeed recommend it . . . this type of work has been long needed in our field.’
–Robert J. Vandenberg, University of Georgia
Organizational researchers and managers have never had a single easy-to-use resource for validated measures, often relying on a selection of journal articles or improvised solutions to meet immediate needs. Taking the Measure of Work: A Guide to Validated Scales for Organizational Research and Diagnosis provides researchers, consultants, managers, and organizational development specialists validated and reliable ways to measure how employees view their work and their organization.
Whether preparing questionnaires or interviews for an employee survey, organizational assessment, dissertation or research program, this book guides users to a summary level understanding of each topic area, the measurement issues in the area, and a selection of measures to choose from. The measures cover the areas of:
- Job Satisfaction
- Organizational Commitment
- Job Characteristics
- Job Stress
- Job Roles
- Organizational Justice
- Work-Family Conflict
- Person-Organization Fit
- Work Behaviors
- Work Values
About the Author
Dail L. Fields (Ph.D., Georgia Tech, 1994) is Associate Professor at the Regent University School of Business. His research interests include measurement of employee perspectives on work, cross-cultural management, human resource management strategies, and leadership and values in organizations. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. Prior to beginning an academic career in 1994, he was a management executive with MCI Communications Corp. and a management consultant with Touche Ross & Co.
Daftar Isi
1. Job Satisfaction
2. Organizational Commitment
3. Job Characteristics
4. Job Stress
5. Job Roles
6. Organizational Justice
7. Work-Family Conflict
8. Person-Organization Fit
9. Workplace Behaviors
10. Workplace Values
Name Index
Subject Index
About the Author
Tentang Penulis
Dail L. Fields (Ph.D., Georgia Tech, 1994) is Associate Professor at The Regent University School of Business. His research interests include measurement of employee perspectives on work, cross-cultural management, human resource management strategies and leadership and values in organizations. He has published research studies in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of organizational Behavior, Educational and Psychological Measurement, and The International Journal of Human Resource Management. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. Prior to beginning an academic career in 1994, he was a management executive with MCI Communications Corp. and a management consultant with Touche Ross & Co.