An estimated 40 million Americans have medical symptoms that marijuana can relieve.
Marijuana Medical Handbook is a one-stop resource that gives candid, objective advice on using marijuana for healing, understanding its effects on the body, safe administration, targeting illnesses, side effects, and the various delivery methods from edibles and tinctures to smokeless vaporizer pipes. The book also details supply issues, cultivation solutions (in a chapter by renowned expert Ed Rosenthal), and legal consequences. This thoroughly revised edition incorporates the most up-to-date information on the ever-changing politics of marijuana, the plant’s usage, and medical research on it.
Tentang Penulis
Ed Rosenthal is world renowned as a leading authority on the cannabis plant and its cultivation, having researched and written on the subject for more than thirty years. His books have sold more than 2 million copies, and his ‘Ask Ed’ advice column has run in marijuana magazines for more than twenty years. As the New York Times wrote: ‘Mr. Rosenthal is the pothead’s answer to Ann Landers, Judge Judy, Martha Stewart and the Burpee Garden Wizard all in one.’
Dale Gieringer, Ph.D., is the coordinator of the California National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), where he has sponsored research and publications on the users of marijuana, including
Marijuana: Driving and Accident Safety, Health Tips for Marijuana Smokers and a marijuana-smoking filtration device.
Gregory T. Carter, MD, is a founding member of the American Board of Neuromuscular Medicine. He currently serves as Chief of Medical Staff at Providence Health System Southwest Washington, Centralia Hospital, and is Professor (Adjunct) of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of California Davis, School of Medicine.