David B. Zandvliet (Ph.D. Curtin) is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Based in Vancouver, Canada he is the Director for the Institute for Environmental Learning and founding editor of the open access journal: Eco-thinking.
3 Ebooks oleh David B. Zandvliet
Larry D. Yore & Eileen Van der Flier-Keller: Pacific CRYSTAL Centre for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Literacy: Lessons Learned
The University of Victoria Pacific Centre for Scientific and Technological Literacy is one of five Centres for Research into Youth, Science Teaching and Learning (CRYSTAL) funded for 5 years (2005–20 …
David B. Zandvliet: The Ecology of Home
Education researchers worldwide face a basic question: Is their purpose to use people to develop knowledge, or use knowledge to develop people This book offers an exploration to this fundamenta …
David B. Zandvliet: Local and Global Connectivity
This book includes selected papers presented at the 10th World Environmental Education Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand. The works include a globally diverse range …