Martin Fleischmann was truly one of the ‘fathers’ of
modern electrochemistry having made major contributions to diverse
topics within electrochemical science and technology. These include
the theory and practice of voltammetry and in situ
spectroscopic techniques, instrumentation, electrochemical phase
formation, corrosion, electrochemical engineering, electrosynthesis
and cold fusion.
While intended to honour the memory of Martin Fleischmann,
Developments in Electrochemistry is neither a biography nor
a history of his contributions. Rather, the book is a
series of critical reviews of topics in electrochemical science
associated with Martin Fleischmann but remaining important
today. The authors are all scientists with outstanding
international reputations who have made their own contribution to
their topic; most have also worked with Martin Fleischmann and
benefitted from his guidance.
Each of the 19 chapters within this volume begin with an outline
of Martin Fleischmann’s contribution to the topic, followed
by examples of research, established applications and prospects for
future developments.
The book is of interest to both students and experienced workers
in universities and industry who are active in developing
electrochemical science.
Daftar Isi
1. Martin Fleischmann
2. A Critical Review of the Methods Available for Quantitative Evaluation of Electrode Kinetics at Stationary Macrodisc Electrodes
3. Electrocrystallisation: Modelling and Its Applications
4. Nucleation and Growth of New Phases on Electrode Surfaces
5. Organic Electrochemistry
6. Electrochemical Engineering and Cell Design
7. Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Early History, Principles, Methods and Experiments
8. Applications of Electrochemical Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
9. In-situ Scanning Probe Microscopies – Imaging and Beyond
10. In-situ Infrared Spectroelectrochemical Studies of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
11. Electrochemical Noise – A Powerful General Tool
12. From Microelectrodes to Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
13. Cold Fusion after a Quarter Century: The Pd/D System
14. In situ X-ray Diffraction of Electrode Surface Structure
15. Tribocorrosion
16. Hard Science at Soft Interfaces
17. Electrochemistry in Unusual Fluids
18. Aspects of Light-Driven Water Splitting
19. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Appendix – The Publications of Martin Fleischmann
Tentang Penulis
Derek Pletcher is Emeritus Professor at the University of Southampton. His research interests extend from fundamental electrochemistry, through electrochemical engineering to the industrial applications of electrolysis. He is the author of ~ 340 technical papers and ~ 30 reviews and has supervised the training of more than 90 postgraduate students. In 2010, he was awarded the prestigious Vittorio de Nora Medal by the US Electrochemical Society for his work related to the applications of electrochemistry. He is an elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (2005) and was awarded their Henry Linford Medal for Teaching Excellence in Electrochemistry (2006). He is a past Editor of the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (1980 – 85) and presently serves on the Editorial Boards of Electrochimica Acta and Electrochemical Communications.
Zhong-Qun Tian heads the Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Nano-electrochemistry research group at Xiamen University. He graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Xiamen University in 1982 with a BSc and received his Ph.D in 1987 under advisor, Martin Fleischmann, FRS. He is a Fellow of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), 2010- ;Regional Representative (China) of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), 2007-2009; Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, 2005- ; Council Member of Chinese Society of Micro/Nano Technology, 2005-; Guest Professor of Chemistry, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 2006-; Guest Professor of Chemistry, Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China, 2001-; Visiting Professor of Ecole Normal Superior, Paris, France, 2008/9. He has over 310 papers, five chapters in encyclopaedias and books and has edited two special journal issues.
David Williams is Professor of Electrochemistry at the University of Auckland, NZ. His research covers electrochemistry and corrosion science. He is a graduate of the University of Auckland and developed his research career in electrochemistry and chemical sensors at the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment, in the 1980s. He became Thomas Graham Professor of Chemistry at UCL in 1991. He joined the faculty of the Chemistry Dept at Auckland University in 2006. He is an Adjunct Professor at Dublin City University. He is a Visiting Professor at UCL, and University of Southampton, and Honorary Professor of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. He has published around 200 papers in international journals, and is the inventor of around 40 patents.