Vida Česnuitytė is Lecturer of Sociology and Social Policy and Head of the Sociological Research Laboratory at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Detlev Lück is Senior Researcher at the Federal Institute for Population Research (Bi B), Wiesbaden, Germany.
Eric D. Widmer is Professor of Family Sociology at the Department of Sociology, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
2 Ebooks oleh Detlev Luck
Vida Česnuitytė & Detlev Lück: Family Continuity and Change
This volume provides readers with recent sociological approaches to family understanding, theorising and practices within the context of continuities and change, both across generations and during in …
Detlev Lück & Waltraud Cornelißen: Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa wir …