Dr. Dirk Proske studied civil engineering in Dresden, Germany and London, U.K. He worked in Germany, South Africa and Indonesia, before going into scientific research at the Technical University in Dresden, Germany. Since 2006 he has served at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria.For several years Dr. Proske has been co-organizer of the Dresden Bridge Construction Conference and he is also the founder of the International Probabilistic Workshop.
Dr. ir. Pieter van Gelder is a full-time associate professor of probabilistic methods in civil engineering at Delft University of Technology, where he has been involved in research and education in the field of safety and reliability for over 15 years. He also serves as a consultant for Nedstat BV, a part-time lecturer at IHE and PAO, and currently a member of the managerial board at ESRA. Van Gelder holds visiting professorships at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.
12 Ebooks oleh Dirk Proske
Robby Caspeele & Luc Taerwe: 14th International Probabilistic Workshop
This book presents the proceedings of the 14th International Probabilistic Workshop that was held in Ghent, Belgium in December 2016. Probabilistic methods are currently of crucial importance for res …
Dirk Proske: Bridge Collapse Frequencies versus Failure Probabilities
This monograph provides a comparative study between failure probabilities and collapse frequencies in structural bridge engineering. The author presents techniques to resolve and extend the limitatio …
Dirk Proske & Pieter van Gelder: Safety of historical stone arch bridges
Historical stone arch bridges are still a major part of the infrastructure in many countries. Although this type of bridge has proven to be an efficient construction type, it often poses the problem …
Dirk Proske: Catalogue of Risks
Since the German edition of this book, the topic of risk has experienced even greater attention, not only in the world of science but also in other fields, such as economics and politics. Therefore, …
Dirk Proske & Axel Gampp: Kleiner Brückenführer Schweiz
Die Schweiz gilt nicht umsonst als ein innovatives Zentrum des weltweiten Brückenbaus. Verschiedene Schweizer Brückenbauer, wie Christan Menn oder Robert Maillart sind weit über die Grenzen der Schwe …
José C. Matos & Paulo B. Lourenço: 18th International Probabilistic Workshop
This volume presents the proceedings of the 18th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW), which was held in Guimarães, Portugal in May 2021. Probabilistic methods are currently of crucial importan …
Dirk Proske: Einsturzhäufigkeit von Bauwerken
Der rechnerische Nachweis der Sicherheit von Bauwerken kann über die Bestimmung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit oder unter Verwendung von Sicherheitselementen erfolgen. Beobachtete Schäden und Einstü …
Dirk Proske: Baudynamik for Beginners
Dieses Lehrbuch ist ein Einstieg in die Baudynamik, welcher sowohl schnell anwendbares Wissen beinhaltet als auch einen breiten Überblick gibt. Jedes Thema baut dabei auf einem vorangegangenen Thema …
Dirk Proske: The Collapse Frequency of Structures
The mathematical verification of the safety of structures can be done by determining the probability of failure or by using safety elements. Observed damages and collapses are usually assessed within …
Dirk Proske: Katalog der Risiken
Die Risikolehre bewertet basierend auf empirischen Daten die potenziell negativen Konsequenzen von Entwicklungen und Handlungen. Sie stellt einen wichtigen Bestandteil der Entscheidungstheorie dar. N …
Dirk Proske: Baustatistik for Beginners
Das vorliegende Buch dient dazu, Studierenden des Bauingenieurwesens Grundkenntnisse und nützliche Verfahren der Statistik auf einfache Art und Weise nahe zu bringen. Themen sind z.B. die Ermittlung …
José C. Matos & Paulo B. Lourenço: 20th International Probabilistic Workshop
This volume presents the proceedings of the 20th International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW), which was held in Guimarães, Portugal on May 8-10, 2024. Probabilistic methods are currently of crucial im …