Ece Temelkuran is one of the Turkey”s best known novelists and political commentators. She has lived in several countries such as Lebanon and Tunisia to write her novels. Her investigative journalism books broach subjects that are highly controversial in Turkey, such as the Kurdish and Armenian issues and freedom of expression. She was a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford Saint Anthony”s College, and has recently given the “Freedom Lecture” as a guest of Amnesty International and the Prince Claus Foundation.
In 2017 she has been a regular guest on Radio 4 and also appeared on the Channel 4 news, while her journalism has recently featured in Der Spiegel, the Guardian and the New York Times. In 2016 Zed Books released a translation of her collection of essays Turkey: The Insane and the Melancholy which was reviewed widely and internationally. She currently lives in Zagreb, Croatia.
Her novel Du gu mlere Ufleyen Kadinlar (Women who Blow on Knots) has won the PENTranslates award.
12 Ebooks oleh Ece Temelkuran
Ece Temelkuran: Turkey
Starting with the basic question "what is this place?", award-winning journalist and novelist Ece Temelkuran guides us through her "beloved country". In challenging the authoritar …
Ece Temelkuran: Turkey
Starting with the basic question "what is this place?", award-winning journalist and novelist Ece Temelkuran guides us through her "beloved country". In challenging the authoritar …
Ece Temelkuran: Women Who Blow on Knots
Winner of a PEN Translates Award A phenomenon in Turkey with more than 120, 000 copies sold, Women who Blow on Knots chronicles a voyage reaching from Tunisia to Lebanon, taken by three young women …
Ece Temelkuran: Book of the Edge
Ece Temelkuran is arguably Turkey’s most accomplished young writer. In Book of the Edge, she describes an allegorical journey wherein the speaker, or explorer, encounters strange creatures, including …
Ece Temelkuran: Wenn dein Land nicht mehr dein Land ist oder Sieben Schritte in die Diktatur
‘Ein essenzielles Buch.’ Margaret Atwood auf Twitter Eine scharfsinnige und weitsichtige Analyse der weltweiten Entdemokratisierung und ein engagierter Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Demokratie. Ob Erdo …
Ece Temelkuran: Stumme Schwäne
»Ein unterhaltsamer und zugleich bedeutender Roman.« WDR 3 Im August 1980 macht nicht nur die Hitze den Menschen in Ankara zu schaffen. Auch politisch brodelt es: In der Türkei herrscht Bürgerkrieg, …
Ece Temelkuran: Euphorie und Wehmut
Was ist das für ein Land, in dem Minderjährige ohne Prozess im Gefängnis sitzen? In dem der Vizepremier Frauen das Lachen verbieten will? Und in dem gläubige Muslime zusammen mit Fußballfans und link …
Ece Temelkuran: Time of Mute Swans
Ankara, the capital city in the heart of Turkey at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, East and West, is a hotspot in the Cold War, torn between communism and conservatism, Western freedoms and tradit …
Ece Temelkuran: Wille und Würde
Eine Handlungsanleitung für ein würdevolles Leben auf unserem Planeten Die vielfach ausgezeichnete Autorin Ece Temelkuran blickt auf unsere Gegenwart: Ratlosigkeit und Verzweiflung, Würdelosigkeit, w …
Ece Temelkuran: Was nützt mir die Revolution, wenn ich nicht tanzen kann
On the Road im Arabischen Frühling: Vier Frauen in einem alten weißen Mercedes, unterwegs von Tunis nach Beirut: Amira, Tänzerin und Aktivistin, Maryam, Wissenschaftlerin und fromme Muslima, und die …
Ece Temelkuran: Together
Now is the time for the new, the beautiful and the humane. In Together, award-winning political thinker, author and poet Ece Temelkuran provides an inspiring manifesto for change by revealing fresh p …
Ece Temelkuran: How to Lose a Country
How to Lose a Country is a warning to the world that populism and nationalism don’t march fully-formed into government; they creep. Award-winning author and journalist Ece Temelkuran identifies the e …