Penulis: Edyta K. Oczkowicz

Edyta K. Oczkowicz is Associate Professor of English at Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She has served as the editor of The Thornton Wilder Society Newsletter and her essay on Wilder”s The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays appeared in Thornton Wilder: New Perspectives. She has also published interviews and essays in MELUS: The Journal for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States and MaComere: The Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Thornton Wilder Society.

1 Ebooks oleh Edyta K. Oczkowicz

Jackson R. Bryer & Judith P. Hallett: Thornton Wilder in Collaboration
The essays in this volume evolved from papers presented at the Second International Thornton Wilder Conference, held at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island, in June 2015. They examine Wi …