Penulis: Eileen Arney

Eileen Arney is Teaching Director of Masters Programmes at The Open University Business School. She is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute Of Personnel and Development (CIPD), has taught on level 7 CIPD programmes and has trained and practised as an executive coach. She has held senior civil servant posts including Assistant Director of National Police Training and has designed and delivered leadership programmes for senior managers in the UK and overseas. .

3 Ebooks oleh Eileen Arney

Eileen Arney: Learning for Organizational Development
Learning for Organizational Development presents how to design, deliver and evaluate effective learning and development (L&D) programmes. This definitive guide to L&D”s function in enhancing individ …
Eileen Arney & Andrew Thomson: Managing People
This updated and exciting fourth edition of Managing People: A Practical Guide for Front-Line Managers addresses the growing needs of front-line managers who are not themselves specialists in …
Eileen Arney & Andrew Thomson: Managing People
This updated and exciting fourth edition of Managing People: A Practical Guide for Front-Line Managers addresses the growing needs of front-line managers who are not themselves specialists in …