* The Comp TIA A+ exam is the industry standard in terms ofmeasuring a technician’s hardware and software knowledge, with morethan 600, 000 individuals certified to date* The perfect companion to Comp TIA A+ Complete Study Guide, thisbook is organized by objectives to facilitate a quick review andsmooth reinforcement of key topics* Featuring more review questions and study review features thanthe competition, the book includes ten chapter review tests, twobonus exams, and two sets of Flashcard exams, plus a searchable Key Term Database on the CD-ROM-that’s 500 practice questions inall!* Prepare for the required exam, Comp TIA A+ Essentials (220-601), as well as your choice of one of three additional exams focusing onspecific job roles — IT Technician (220-602), Remote Support Technician (220-603), or Depot Technician (220-603).Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
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Introduction.Chapter 1: Personal Computer Components.Chapter 2: Laptops and Portable Devices.Chapter 3: Operating Systems.Chapter 4: Printers and Scanners.Chapter 5: Networks.Chapter 6: Security.Chapter 7: Safety and Environmental Issues.Chapter 8: Professionalism and Communication.Chapter 9: Personal Computer Components.Chapter 10: Laptops and Portable Devices.Chapter 11: Operating Systems.Chapter 12: Printers and Scanners.Chapter 13: Networks.Chapter 14: Security.Chapter 15: Safety and Environmental Issues.Chapter 16: Professionalism and Communication.Index.
Tentang Penulis
Emmett Dulaney has authored over 30 books including the Comp TIA Security+ Study Guide, 3rd Edition. He is the former Director of Training for Mercury Technical Solutions, and currently is an instructor at Anderson University, in Indiana.