If you are reading this, chances are you are also at some point in your divorce journey. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for choosing me to walk with you on your journey. Divorce is hard. No matter how amicable. I hope this book makes you feel less alone. I hope it enables you to view the path that has led you to where you are now with kind eyes and explores your future opportunities with excitement. The Divorcee Dish is a memoir about my journey through divorce that includes tips and tricks and a series of journaling opportunities to aid you along your path. You are invited to join our community on social media to connect with the other divorcees in our community and me. The potential for building a strong community of divorcees is significant, with 50% of marriages ending in divorce in the United States. Since it affects so many of us, why are there so few support systems? I hope to end the stigma and isolation that generations of societal shaming and guilt have left us wallowing in.
There is life after divorce. There is a big, beautiful life out there just waiting for you. Challenge yourself to find and create it. Push yourself to create a new routine for yourself that brings you joy. You deserve it. We are all in this together. Join us at divorceedish.com
Daftar Isi
Table of Contents
Section One: Divorce Tips
Chapter One: Sharing Your Story
Chapter Two: Divorce Attorney Questions
Chapter Three: Flashback vs. Flash Forward
Chapter Four: Divorce and Depression
Chapter Five: Taking Sides
Chapter Six: D.A.B.D.A
Chapter Seven: Why Is This Happening to Me?
Section Two: Parenting after Divorce
Chapter Eight: Talking to Your Kids about Divorce
Chapter Nine: Buying or Renting after Divorce
Chapter Ten: Dividing and Conquering
Chapter Eleven: Single Parenting and Self-Care
Chapter Twelve: When Parents Date after Divorce
Chapter Thirteen: Top Children’s Books about Divorce
Section Three: Self Awareness, Self-Care, and Boundaries
Chapter Fourteen: Finding Peace in the Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: Loneliness
Chapter Sixteen: Abuse – Getting Help
Chapter Seventeen: Keep an Open Mind
Chapter Eighteen: Embrace It
Chapter Nineteen: Letting Go
Chapter Twenty: Closure
Chapter Twenty-One: Songs for Divorcees
Section Four: Dating
Chapter Twenty-Two: Where Do I Begin?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dating 101
Chapter Twenty-Four: Tips on Dating in the Virtual World
Chapter Twenty-Five: Divorcees on the Prowl
Chapter Twenty-Six: Boo! Ghosting and Other Dating BS
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Into the Thick of It
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dating Outside of the Box
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Final Thoughts