Philip Kotler is one of the leading authorities in Marketing; he is considered to be “the father” of Modern Marketing. He was S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. The different editions of the Marketing Management handbook of Professor Kotler (together with his coauthors) are considered to be the reference book for undergraduate, graduate and executive students in Universities and Business Schools all around the world.
Waldemar A. Pfoertsch is Senior Marketing Professor at CIIM Business School, University of Limassol, Cyprus, and Professor Emeritus for International Business at Pforzheim University, Germany. He has extensive teaching experience at institutions like CEIBS, the University of Illinois, and Kellogg School of Management. He specializes in H2H Marketing and B2B Brand Management.
Fabio Ancarani is Professor of Marketing at the University of Bologna, Italy, and Director of the Executive Master in Sales and Marketing at Bologna Business School, where he previously served as the Associate Dean for Executive Education.
Ivan Ureta is Senior Lecturer in Humanistic Management and Head of the Executive Education area at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. He also serves as the President of the Swiss Business Ethics Network.
4 Ebooks oleh Fabio Ancarani
Fabio Ancarani: Sherlock Holmes e la drammatica vicenda del dottor Agar
Giallo – racconto lungo (42 pagine) – Un segreto da tenere nascosto. Un’eredità che attende di essere colta. Un delitto rabbioso e feroce…Quando il dottor Agar si presenta da Sherlock Holmes per ra …
Fabio Ancarani: L’invidia del mostro
Thriller – racconto lungo (49 pagine) – Il quarto peccato è l’Invidia! Ilario Belviso è un mostro. Lo sa e lo vede negli occhi della donna che si rivolge a lui per scoprire chi ha bruciato il volto d …
Fabio Ancarani: Il volo della lumaca
RACCONTO LUNGO (47 pagine) – THRILLER – L'ispettore Venturi è un ottimo investigatore, ma ha un problema: non riesce a toccare le persone che gli stanno vicino. Quando l'ispettore Vent …
Philip Kotler & Waldemar Pfoertsch: Humanism in Marketing
This edited collection hinges on the idea that marketing serves as the catalyst for capitalism and, in light of this, embracing a humanistic marketing approach holds the potential to foster a more hu …