Time to bring out the big guns!
Meet the Major. An exciting character to add to the Kiki posse. He may seem old and dodery, but the Major has a few surprising tricks up his furry sleeve. Find out how he helps Kiki and her pals escape from the Farmies with just a bit of string, a fish and a couple of balloons.
- Don’t be quick to judge others by the way they look.
- Rhymes and poetry for cats and kids
- Help others in need
- Respect your elders
As always there are a few lessons being told through the scrapes and jokes of Kiki’s stories. This one is no different. Friendship again is a major theme, but now there is the addition of looking out for others, and not judging a book by its cover-apart from this one because it is MAJOR-lee awesome.
- Fun rhyming exercises at the end
- A Tale of Two Kitties (bonus rhyming story)
You always get more than you bargained for with Kiki. Dive into her colourful world of fun, frolics and friendship.
Tentang Penulis
Author and wellness mentor Francesca Hepton is a champion for children’s health, well-being and a catalyst for personal growth. Her services include books, journals, and courses predominantly in the field of health, well-being, stress reduction, and life-style choices, as well as workshops with associated course material in the form of manuals, storybooks, training manuals, videos, audios, and mentoring services.