Dr Emmanuel Garbolino is an expert on system dynamics applied on systems at risks (industrial and natural ones). He is an Assistant Professor at MINES Paris Tech CRC and his researches are dedicated to the definition of methodologies and tools to help decision makers on risk assessment and management on innovative industrial systems and on territorial systems.
Professor Franck Guarnieri is the Chair of the Centre for Research in Risks and Crises (CRC) at MINES Paris Tech in France and scientific advisor to the French company Preventeo. He leads research on Industrial and Nuclear Safety. He focusses on “engineering thinking” and “on-going emergency”. He is also a designated expert in the French National Research Agency (ANR) and in the European Horizon 2020 program. He is currently involved for a two years research project with University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley) on “Nuclear Safety: From accident mitigation to resilient society facing extreme situations”. In 2014, he received the prestigious René-Joseph Laufer Prize from the Académie des Sciences morales et politiques of the Institut de France.
2 Ebooks oleh Franck Guarnieri
Joonhong Ahn & Kazuo Furuta: Resilience: A New Paradigm of Nuclear Safety
This book is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book summarizes presentations and discussions from the two-day international workshop held at UC Berkeley in March 2015, and derives …
Franck Guarnieri & Emmanuel Garbolino: Safety Dynamics
This book describes a systematic approach to risk assessment for complex socio-technical systems like industrial processes, especially innovative ones. It provides an overview of applications of syst …