This book gathers selected papers presented at the Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies Conference (ICICCT 2022), held on May 12–13, 2022, at Gnanamani College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. The book covers the topics such as Internet of Things, social networks, mobile communications, big data analytics, bio-inspired computing, and cloud computing. The book is exclusively intended for academics and practitioners working to resolve practical issues in this area.
Daftar Isi
A Comparitive Study of Employee Attrition Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques.- Efficient RNS Realization of High Speed Arithmetic Multiplier with Respect to Cryptographic Computation.- An Integrated Terrestrial – Satellite Cellular 5G Network Routing Protocol Using Reinforcement Learning Techniques.- Direct Trust-based GPSR Protocol (DT-GPSR) in VANET.- Combating Challenges in Healthcare using Blockchain.- HIDSC2: Host Based Intrusion Detection System in Cloud Computing.- The Impact of Online Reviews on Download Numbers of Mobile Apps.- Learning System During the Covid-19 in a University.- The Adoption of using the Zoom Application as a Learning Tool to Increase Neuro-Cognitive for Public High School in Jakarta.- Context Aware Voice Recognition System for Car Climate and Infotainment Control.- Study of Identification of Breast Tumor Through DL Technique.- Methods for Assessing Information Security Incidents in the Enterprise and Making Decisions.- Data Analytics for Healthcare Institutions: A Data Warehouse Model Proposal.- The Role of Existing Technology Text to Speech in the Deaf Disabled Communities due to Brain Inflammation.- Performance Analysis of Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Human Actions Recognition.
Tentang Penulis
Dr. G Ranganathan working as a Dean, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Gnanamani college of technology, Namakkal, India. He has done his Ph D in the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in the year 2013. His research thesis was in the area of Bio Medical Signal Processing. He has a total of 30+ years of experience both in industry, teaching and research. He has guided several project works for many UG and PG Students in the areas of Bio Medical Signal Processing. He has published more than 35 research papers in International and National Journals and Conferences. He has also co-authored many books in electrical and electronics subjects. He has served as Referee for many reputed International Journals published by Elsevier, Springer, Taylor and Francis, etc. He has membership in various professional bodies like ISTE, IAENG etc., and has actively involved himself in organizing various international and national level conferences, symposiums, seminars, etc.
Dr. Xavier Fernando is Director of Ryerson Communications Lab that has received total research funding of $3, 185, 000.00 since 2008 from industry and government (including joint grants). He has (co-)authored over 200 research articles, three books (one translated to Mandarin), and several chapters and holds few patents. The present and past members and affiliates of this laboratory can be found at this Linked In group and Facebook page. He was IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer and has delivered over 50 invited talks and keynote presentations all over the world. He was Member in the IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC) Education Board Working Group on Wireless Communications. He was Chair of IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee 2017–18. He was also Chair of the IEEE Toronto Section and IEEE Canada Central Area.
Álvaro Rocha holds the title of Honorary Professor, and holds a D.Sc. in Information Science, Ph.D. in Information Systems and Technologies, M.Sc. in Information Management, and BCs in Computer Science. He is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Lisbon – ISEG, and researcher at the ADVANCE (the ISEG Centre for Advanced Research in Management). He is also Vice-Chair of the IEEE Portugal Section Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Chapter, and Editor-in-Chief of both JISEM (Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management) and RISTI (Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies). Moreover, he has served as Vice-Chair of Experts for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program, and as an Expert at the COST – intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, at the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Program, at the Government of Italy’s Ministry of Universities and Research, at the Government of Latvia’s Ministry of Finance, at the Government of Mexico’s National Council of Scienceand Technology, at the Government of Polish’s National Science Centre, and at the Government of Cyprus’s Research and Innovation Foundation.