‘Ukraine is not a brothel!’ This was the first cry of rage uttered
by Femen during Euro 2012.
Bare-breasted and crowned with flowers, perched on their high
heels, Femen transform their bodies into instruments of political
expression through slogans and drawings flaunted on their skin.
Humour, drama, courage and shock tactics are their weapons.
Since 2008, this ‘gang of four’ – Inna, Sasha, Oksana and
Anna – has been developing a spectacular, radical, new
feminism. First in Ukraine and then around the world, they are
struggling to obtain better conditions for women, but they also
fight poverty, discrimination, dictatorships and the dictates of
religion. These women scale church steeples and climb into
embassies, burst into television studios and invade polling
stations. Some of them have served time in jail, been prosecuted
for ‘hooliganism’ in their home country and are banned
from living in other states. But thanks to extraordinary media
coverage, the movement is gaining imitators and supporters in
France, Germany, Brazil and elsewhere.
Inna, Sasha, Oksana and Anna have an extraordinary story and here
they tell it in their own words, and at the same time express their
hopes and ambitions for women throughout the world.
Daftar Isi
Manifesto vii
A Movement of Free Women: Preface by Galia
Ackerman xiii
Part I: The Gang of Four
1. Inna, a Quiet Hooligan 3
2. Anna, the Instigator 13
3. Sasha, the Shy One 24
4. Oksana, the Iconoclast 34
Part II: Action
5. ‘Ukraine Is Not a Brothel’ 43
6. No More Nice Quiet Protests 68
7. Femen Goes All Out 89
8. In Belarus: A Dramatic Experience 105
9. Femen Gets Radical 117
10. ‘I’m Stealing Putin’s Vote!’ 122
11. Naked Rather Than in a Niqab! 128
12. Femen France 150
13. Our Dreams, Our Ideals, Our Men 161
One Year Later: Afterword by Galia Ackerman 168
Notes 182
Tentang Penulis
Femen is a feminist protest group which was founded in Ukraine in 2008 by Anna Hutso, Oksana Shachko, Alexandra Shevchenko and Inna Shevchenko, who are among its key members. They have attracted worldwide attention for a series of high-profile protests at key international events and currently live in exile in France.