Penulis: Gayle H. Moore

Gayle H. Moore recently retired after teaching elementary school for 31 years at grades K–8, including 9 years in the nongraded primary program at La Grange Elementary in Oldham County, Kentucky. Throughout that time, she participated as a teacher-researcher on studies related to the nongraded primary. She has coauthored Reaching Out: A K–8 Resource for Connecting Schools and Families, a chapter in Creating Nongraded Primary Classrooms: Teachers’ Stories and Lessons Learned, and articles in Language Arts and Peabody Journal of Education. She has presented at conferences of the American Educational Research Association, the International Reading Association, and the National Reading Conference. Most recently she has participated as a teacher-researcher for the study, “Children’s Academic Development in Nongraded Primary Programs, ” funded by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) at the University of California at Santa Cruz. For three years, she made family visits to the homes of her students, learning about the families’ knowledge and using it to make instructional connections. She also planned and implemented several Family Nights, one focused on mathematics. Her subsequent classroom activities are described in an article in Teaching Children Mathematics.

4 Ebooks oleh Gayle H. Moore

Diane W. Kyle & Ellen McIntyre: Reaching Out
‘The timing for Reaching Out could not have been better. Just when educators are beginning to realize that teachers need training in how to work with parents, Kyle, Mc Intyre, Miller, and Moore bring …
Diane W. Kyle & Ellen McIntyre: Bridging School and Home Through Family Nights
‘ Bridging School and Home Through Family Nights is a handy book that practitioners can readily pick up and select activities, ideas, and themes for including families in the learning process. This p …
Diane W. Kyle & Ellen McIntyre: Reaching Out
"The timing for Reaching Out could not have been better. Just when educators are beginning to realize that teachers need training in how to work with parents, Kyle, Mc Intyre, Miller, and Moore …
Diane W. Kyle & Ellen McIntyre: Bridging School and Home Through Family Nights
"Bridging School and Home Through Family Nights is a handy book that practitioners can readily pick up and select activities, ideas, and themes for including families in the learning process. Th …